Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath’s government is preparing district-wise lists of sand mafia, mining mafia, land mafia, liquor mafia, crime mafia and transport mafia. These lists include names of leading gangsters like Atiq Ahmed and Mukhtar Ansari, who had been getting political protection over the last two decades. Atiq Ahmed, accused
Atiq Ahmed, accused of the murder of ex-MLA Raju Pal, tops the list of land grabbers in Allahabad, along with his family members. Other names include gangster Khan Mubarak, who had once fired at a bottle placed on the head of a trader. In the list prepared for Allahabad alone, there are names of 75 gangsters, and more names are expected to be added. The UP government has already started filing cases against these gangsters. It would be better if action is taken faster so that the confidence of people in the majesty of law is revived.
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