Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath was the guest at our show Aap Ki Adalat in India TV studios on Friday, and I had asked him a point-blank question: when will the Ram temple be built in Ayodhya? His reply was emphatic.
Yogi said, the Supreme Court should not delay the hearing on Ayodhya dispute, and if it is unable to resolve, let the court hand over the issue to him, and he would solve the Ram Janmabhoomi dispute within 24 hours. “It won’t take 25 hours”, he added for more emphasis.
While most of the senior BJP leaders normally refrain from speaking out on this sensitive issue, Yogi put his point of view in a straight forward manner. The question is why Yogi made this point-blank remark on the longest festering dispute of this subcontinent? To me, it seems there is clarity in Yogi’s mind over this vexed issue.
In his reply, he first appealed to the apex court to deliver its verdict soon, since it was a matter of faith for millions of Indians who worship Lord Rama. But in the same vein, Yogi added, if the Supreme Court finds itself unable to deliver a verdict soon, it should hand over the dispute to his government, and he would resolve it “within 24 hours”. I asked him whether his government would resort to negotiations or use the stick, he smiled and replied, ‘first let the court give us the responsibility, we will resolve the dispute forever within 24 hours.’
Since the Lok Sabha elections are looming on the horizon, I asked Yogi questions relating to his party’s performance in UP, the entry of Priyanka Gandhi in politics, the SP-BSP alliance forged by the ‘bua-babua’ duo, the issue of lakhs of stray cattle in his state, the question of fear in the minds of Muslims, and he replied to each of the questions candidly. You can watch Aap Ki Adalat show with Yogi Adityanath tonight (Saturday Jan 26) at 10 pm on India TV.
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