In a major development, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh supremo Mohan Bhagwat on Thursday ruled out any agitation on the ongoing Gyanvapi mosque issue. Addressing the RSS officers’ training camp in Nagpur, Bhagwat said the issue of Gyanvapi relates to the belief of millions of Hindus, but there will be no agitation on this.
Bhagwat said: “Gyanvapi issue is now before the court. We cannot change history. Neither Hindus of today nor Muslims of today created this issue. It took place at a time when Islam came to India from outside through invaders. RSS had taken part in Ayodhya Ram Janmabhoomi issue due to certain very important reasons. It was also made very clear that our organisation will not be part of any new movement. There is no need to raise fresh disputes every day. There is no need to look for Shivling in every mosque. Even the Gyanvapi-Shringar Gauri issue can be resolved amicably between Hindus and Muslims. If any decision comes from the court, it should be accepted by both sides.”
On fresh claims and counter-claims about religious shrines across India, the RSS chief said, “Invaders went on breaking temples to crush the morale of the Hindus and create an impression among newly converted Muslims. These historic incidents cannot be changed by either Hindus or Muslims now.”
Bhagwat described Muslims as “descendants of Hindus and even Kashatriyas, who were converted to a different faith. Hindus should understand that Muslims are their own people. They are Muslims only because they changed their faiths. If they are ready to return (to Hindu fold), we would welcome them with open arms. Even if they do not want to, there is no reason to be dissatisfied. Hindus already worship 33 crore deities. There are many faiths in our country and Islam will remain one of them.”
Bhagwat said, “the responsibility of maintaining restraint lies both of Hindus and Muslims. They should not provoke each other. Hindus have always shown restraint. They restrained themselves for centuries. This is a historical fact which cannot be ignored, but Hindus should also understand that they should not fear anybody nor should they intimidate others. We believe in brotherhood. We want India to be the ‘vishwaguru’. But there are people who want to sow seeds of caste, language religion and make us fight among ourselves. We should be on our guard.”
The RSS chief said, his organisation was not opposed to any form of worship and considers all of them holy. They(Muslims) may have adopted other forms of worship but they are the descendants of our rishis, munis, Kshatriyas. We are all descendants from the same ancestors.”
Whatever the RSS chief has said can change the course of domestic politics. This is a strong reply to those who are trying to strike fear among minorities by saying that the day is not far off when every mosque will be converted into temples, and that nearly 30,000 mosques will be taken away by Hindus. Muslim leaders like Asaduddin Owaisi, Abu Azmi, Mehbooba Mufti, Omar Abdullah and Dr. Farooq Abdullah are regularly giving statements on the Hindu-Muslim issue. They are insinuating that the Mathura Eidgah and Kashi Gyanvapi controversies are being raked up for political reasons, and it is part of a game plan to suppress the Muslims. They have been alleging that BJP and RSS have been tormenting Muslims in recent months and are trying to spoil the atmosphere. But Mohan Bhagwat’s speech today has clearly put everything in perspective.
Bhagwat has said that Muslims living in India are not only our brothers but are descendants from the same ancestors, only their form of worship has changed. Bhagwat has clearly told Hindus not to go out searching for Shivling inside very mosque. Bhagwat’s remarks are completely against the tone and tenor of speeches by Owaisi and Mehbooba Mufti. I think, the RSS chief’s remarks should be praised. Let Hindus and Muslims amicably settle their issues and join hands in making, as Bhagwat said, India a ‘vishwaguru’.