The Allahabad High Court has directed the Uttar Pradesh government to remove all unauthorized loudspeakers from religious and all other public places by January 20, following which surveys are being carried out by district authorities. Managements of such religious places are being asked to obtain permission from authorities by January 15, failing which loudspeakers and other sound equipment will be removed by the deadline set by the court.
This is undoubtedly a Herculean task and the time given to enforce the order is limited. According to rough estimates, there are nearly 3.5 lakh religious places where loudspeakers are being used. These are spread in almost three lakh villages, and the task of enforcing it as truly a gigantic one. In Lucknow, police went to most of the temples and mosques on Thursday and spoke to priests and moulvis. It is reassuring that priests and moulvis are fully cooperating with local authorities, and there seems to be no scope for politicking because the order has come from the High Court, which is a welcome step.