On Wednesday, a Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist Danish Ahmed surrendered to police and Rashtriya Rifles in Handwara, Kashmir and expressed his desire to return to the mainstream. Only a few days ago, he was seen holding a grenade and shouting slogans at the funeral of Sabzar Bhat, the Hizbul commander, killed in an encounter with security forces. Danish was a third-year student of an agriculture science and technology college in Dehradun. He was attracted towards militancy after coming into contact with terrorists through social media. He left studies, started throwing stones at police, was let off after warning, and he then took up the gun. At the time of his surrender, Danish revealed how terrorists in South Kashmir were mainly indulging in extortion and loot, and money was flowing freely into the Valley from Pakistan for militancy. He said, he has realised the futility of joining militant ranks. He will now be given all assistance from the state under the Surrendered Militants Rehabilitation Policy.
The Director General of Police, Jammu and Kashmir has promised that surrendered militants will not be troubled any more by police. The state police is taking the help of parents in bringing militants back to the mainstream. Several of these militants have now realised that returning to the mainstream will be beneficial both for them and the people of Kashmir, who want an early return to normalcy.
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