Former Maharashtra Anti-Terrrorist Squad chief Himanshu Roy shot himself in the mouth with a licensed revolver at his Nariman Point home in Mumbai on Friday sending shock waves among the entire Mumbai Police force and his friends in Bollywood. He was battling cancer since 2000, was undergoing treatment.
A fine police officer, he impressed one and all not only with his fine physique and swagger, but also with his sterling performance in investigating many high profile cases. He investigated journalist J. Dey murder case in which underworld don Chhota Rajan was recently given life imprisonment. He also investigated actress Laila Khan, 26/11 terror attack cases, Shakti Mill rape case, Malegaon blast case and Pallavi Purkayastha murder case, apart from the IPL spot fixing case.
Himanshu always took care of his fitness level, but fate willed otherwise. When it was found that his cancer had relapsed two years ago, he was given medical leave and was made Additional Director General (Home Guards) of Maharashtra Police. He was on leave for the last two years. He left behind a suicide note saying that he was taking this extreme step due to prolonged illness and depression.
Whatever may be the reason, this suicide by an able and highly decorated police officer has caused a great loss to Maharashtra and Mumbai Police.
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