With the early dawn arrest of dreaded UP gangster Vikas Dubey in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh on Thursday, the curtain is finally drawn over the inter-state hunt for the mass murderer. The outlaw will now have to face the law. The law of the land will ultimately come down heavily on this extortionist gangster, who has murdered scores of people in his life.
I am, however, amazed to find some people on social media eulogizing this gangster because of his caste. Normally, in public, people avoided making mention of caste, but in private, they speak much about the caste denomination of criminals and policemen.
I am raising this issue here because it is my firm conviction that such a pernicious tendency needs to be nipped in the bud, otherwise it will cause irreparable harm to society and the present system.
I have gone through many comments in social media where people have supported this dreaded gangster because of his Brahmin caste. I am filled with sadness because this man was the mastermind of that fateful ambush in which eight UP policemen lost their lives, when they went to his house to arrest him. These policemen were murdered in cold blood, and yet there are people who are praising this despicable act.
These people are trying to glorify Vikas Dubey as a hero, a tiger and a fighter, only because of his caste, and yet they ignore that Dubey has committed a heinous act, which cannot be accepted under any circumstance in a civil society.
A criminal has no caste and people in civil society must identify a criminal not by his caste, but by his acts. I want to convey my message to the conscience of people who are openly supporting Vikas Dubey. He is a criminal, an extortionist, who must meet his logical end. Supporting Vikas Dubey because of his caste is, in itself, a crime against society. People should know that Dubey had meticulously planned the bloody ambush of UP policemen with the help of his moles in the police force.
I want to praise Gupteshwar Pandey, the Director General of Bihar Police. He is the senior most police officer in Bihar, a no-nonsense officer who has put many criminals behind bars without ever going through their caste credentials. On Wednesday, Gupteshwar Pandey criticized this tendency of eulogizing a criminal like Vikas Dubey.
Gupteshwar Pandey appealed to people not to encourage the “culture of crime” and “hero worshipping” of criminals. “Should we offer prayers to him?”, he asked. “It is such a shame that such seasoned criminals escaped after killing eight policemen. ..Is Vikas Dubey a tiger? Or like Bhagat Singh, or Netaji, or Ashfaqullah Khan?”
Gupteshwar Pandey’s words have touched the chords of my heart. This should serve as an eye opener to society, particularly those who eulogize Vikas Dubey as a tiger because of his Brahmin caste. Pandey spoke not as a police officer, but as a sensitive citizen of society. He shared his pain with society and tried to show mirror to all of us about the grim realities that exist today.
Pandey’s comments should be praised, because normally, senior police officers avoid making comments about criminals and their caste in public. Pandey was right when he said that a criminal has no caste, no religion: a criminal’s sole motive is to earn money through shortcuts and live a life of luxury. Such criminals do not have any sympathy for others, even for people from his own caste.
Look at the names of people whom Dubey killed. One was Santosh Shukla, who belonged to his own caste. He killed DSP Devendra Mishra, he was also a Brahmin. The SHO of Chaubepur police station Vinay Tiwari and inspector Krishnapal Mishra, who acted as his moles, and are now under arrest, are also Brahmins. Vikas Dubey carried out a murderous attack on his cousin, who was a Brahmin. In a nutshell, a criminal’s sole motive is crime, and not caste or religion.
The poison of caste that exists in our society has now seeped into our system, and this should be cause for worry. If one goes through the names of moles in police force, who helped Vikas Dubey, it will surprise all, because most of the policemen belonged to his own caste.
With Vikas Dubey’s arrest, the can of worms is certainly going to spill out in the open. There were many in the UP police force who were working as informers for this gangster and they will certainly be exposed after the gangster is thoroughly interrogated. It is time that black sheep in the police force are identified and weeded out.
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