On Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi were to take out roadshows in Ahmedabad, but the local police refused to give them permission citing security reasons. While Rahul Gandhi addressed a press conference, Prime Minister Modi took an eight-seater seaplane ride from Ahmedabad Sabarmati riverfront to Dharoi dam in Mehsana to offer prayers at Ambaji temple. Thousands of people watched the seaplane take off and land.
Modi always thinks originally, has innovative ideas and implements them suddenly. When denied a roadshow, the Prime Minister opted for an airshow to the delight of his fans and supporters. With the seaplane ride, Modi also sent a ‘vikas’ message to his voters. He said, government would promote seaplane service for 108 waterways across the country. The basic difference between Modi and Rahul is that while the former always comes out with new, innovative ideas, the latter repeats the same issues every day in a monotonous tone. There was nothing new in the issues that Rahul Gandhi raised in his press conference on Tuesday.
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