On Wednesday, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) announced that all examinees of Class X maths and Class XII economics will have to sit for re-tests on dates to be announced within a week. This followed reports of leaks of question papers on both these subjects. The matter has been handed over for investigation to the Crime Branch of Delhi Police, which has formed a special investigation team, to carry out raids and nab the culprits who were behind the paper leak.
My heart cries out for those 22 lakh students who burnt the midnight oil for months to study and prepare for the CBSE exams. These students toiled hard with sincerity to sit for the exams, but a handful of unscrupulous people have forced them to toil hard again and sit for the retests.
One should remember the tips that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had given to students to prepare for board exams, but even the PM did not foresee such a crisis that the students would have to face. Leak of question papers denotes failure of the system. It amounts to sheer injustice to lakhs of students. For filthy lucre, the handful of unscrupulous persons have put lakhs of students in a precarious situation.
Delhi Police should round up the gang that leaked the question papers. Such culprits should be arrested and brought to justice immediately. Police should also arrest those who sit within the system and encourage question paper leaks. Police should know that the Prime Minister himself is unhappy over this sordid incident and he is keeping a watchful eye on the progress of investigation.
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