India TV on Wednesday night in its ‘Aaj Ki Baat’ show telecast visuals of how our brave army jawans rescued two men and a pregnant woman trapped in snow in Baramulla, Kashmir.
The most stunning visuals were those of our jawans walking 4-5 kilometres through knee-deep snow, carrying a pregnant Kashmiri woman, Shamima, on a stretcher, to the nearest base camp, even as other jawans were busy clearing snow for the ambulance to take her from the base camp to a hospital. Shamima gave birth to a child and both of them are fine.
There has been continuous snowfall in Kashmir valley since January 12. Roads were closed due to heavy snowfall. Indian army got information that Shamima, a resident of Dardpora village in Baramulla was expecting early delivery of her child. Her husband made a distress call to the army, and within minutes, jawans and doctors of the local patrolling army unit reached their home. The doctor advised early hospitalization.
Jawans immediately carried the woman on the stretcher and walked through snow to take her to the base camp. At the same time, Rashtriya Rifles jawans cleared snow from the helipad, in case the patient needed air transport. The army however decided to take Shamima by road to Baramulla hospital, and another detachment of jawans started clearing snow for the ambulance. The woman reached the hospital in time and safely delivered the child.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi retweeted the army’s Chinar Corps video on Shamima’s rescue, and wrote “our Army is known for its valour and professionalism. It is also respected for its humanitarian spirit. Whenever people have needed help, our Army has risen to the occasion and done everything possible. Proud of our Army. I pray for the good health of Shamima and her child.”
In Lachhipora village of Baramulla, on Wednesday, two men, Tariq Iqbal and Zahoor Ahmed Khan, while going towards Bijhama were trapped in a landslide. The guard commander at an army base camp, nearly 200 metres away, swung into action. Quick Response Team was called in, and within minutes, Zahoor Ahmed Khan, who was half-buried in snow, was rescued. There was no trace of his friend Tariq.
After hectic clearing of snow in a 100 metre radius, he was found 20 minutes later, fully buried in snow. His body had turned cold, but he was still breathing. Army jawans immediately dug up the snow, and Tariq was rushed to hospital, where he is alive and fighting for survival.
Such visuals make the chest of every Indian swell with pride. The met department has predicted continuous heavy snowfall in the valley for the next 3-4 days. The army is out rescuing people trapped in bad weather right up to Ladakh, where army choppers were used to rescue six trekkers near Zanskar river adjoining Leh on Tuesday. This rescue operation was done in minus 50 degree Celsius weather.
Every Indian should know that our brave jawans and officers not only eliminate terrorists and infiltrators to keep our borders safe, but also work as angels to rescue people in distress. We should be proud of our army and applaud our jawans and officers whenever we see them in public places.
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