In a democracy, everybody has the right to protest, but nobody can be allowed to take law in one’s hands. This can create anarchy. On Friday, a mob of supporters belonging to Rajput Karni Sena vandalized the sets of a Bollywood film Padmavati at Jaigarh Fort in Jaipur, and roughed up noted film director Sanjay Leela Bhansali. The Karni Sena activists alleged that there was a “love scene” between the legendary Rani Padmini of Chittor and Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khilji in the film, which the director has strongly denied. The activists alleged that this was “distortion of history”, as Rani Padmini had immolated herself alongwith other women to save herself from Khilji’s army. Karni Sena could have put forth their arguments, backed by historical facts, before the film’s producer and director, but vandalizing film sets, and roughing up the film director is unacceptable. Strong legal action must be initiated against this outfit, so that this could be a lesson for others.