The Congress party had announced nationwide token fast on Monday to voice its concerns on Dalit issues and social harmony, but clearly there was lack of planning. In several states, leaders sat on three-hour fast and then went away for lunch. In Delhi, party leaders were seen on social media having a hearty breakfast of chholey bhature and they then proceeded to Rajghat to sit on fast. Rahul Gandhi came to Rajghat at around 1 pm and sat for a few hours.
The question is: why this farce? The immediate provocation seems to be BJP’s plan to organize nationwide fasts on April 12 by its MPs to protest against the washout of Parliament session.To pre-empt this, the Congress announced nationwide fasts over Dalit issue. Since it was called in a hurry, in some places the fast began at 10 am, at some other places at 12 noon, and 1 pm. Clearly, there was lack of seriousness and planning.
To sit on fast means to register one’s protest by abstaining from food. When Delhi Congress leaders sat on 3-hour fast after having a breakfast of chholey bhature, they were lampooned on social media. One should hope that Rahul Gandhi should be careful in future before announcing fasts in a hurry.
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