On Wednesday, Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi along with senior party leaders Ahmed Patel and Ashok Gehlot went to the historic Somnath temple to pray. In the entry register kept for non-Hindus at the temple, the names of Rahul, Ahmed Patel, Gehlot and others were written. This created a furore in the already surcharged poll atmosphere in Gujarat. Nobody, as such, is questioning whether Rahul is Hindu or not, but the Congress leadership had to clarify to say that Rahul was a “Shiv-bhakt” and old photographs of Rahul wearing the sacred thread were circulated. The question is: who was responsible for this faux pas during elections? Naturally, neither Rahul nor Ahmed Patel would have committed such an error. A small-timer Congressman could have committed this mistake. But the party may have to bear serious consequences for this minor error because the matter is related to religion. Voters in Gujarat are very much sensitive to the issue of religion, and BJP is bound to take advantage out of it.
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