On Wednesday, Rahul Gandhi levelled charges of corruption against Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a rally, but there is nothing new in these charges. The charges, based on some diary entries, were first levelled by Trinamool Congress two years ago in Parliament, later by Arvind Kejriwal in Delhi Assembly, and lawyer Prashant Bhushan in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court, in course of its hearing, remarked thrice that there were insufficient evidences to prove these charges, and no inquiry can be ordered based on these papers. The apex court, in another case, had clearly observed that levelling of charges against persons in higher, constitutional posts, can lower the dignity of the post and sully the nation’s image. One should keep the court’s observation in mind. Now, coming to the charges levelled by Rahul Gandhi, let me share that the papers, from which he quoted Prime Minister Modi’s name, also has names of many political leaders, even from Rahul’s own party, and several chief ministers. There is hardly any big political party, whose leaders have not been named. To put it in brief: Rahul revealed less, and concealed more.