On Wednesday, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi again quoted from papers purported to be from Sahara, Birla diaries to level unsubstantiated charges at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, even as the Supreme Court, on the very same day, rejected Prashant Bhushan’s petition seeking probe into the diaries. As opposition leader, Rahul Gandhi has every right to criticize the PM and level charges based on facts, but after the Supreme Court verdict, which threw out these documents describing them as unsubstantive evidence, it does not behove of him to smear the Prime Minister’s reputation, based on a sheaf of papers. The Supreme Court has clearly said that evidences that are required to order a probe into this matter are lacking. Advocate Prashant Bhushan had sought time from the apex court, which was granted thrice. But, in the end, Prashant Bhushan failed to submit fresh evidence. The Supreme Court’s stand in this case has been consistent. Prashant Bhushan is a reputed advocate. He can put forth his case before the court, but he cannot expect the apex court to give a verdict to his liking. It was unfair on the part of Mr Bhushan to question the motives of the judges.