Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s bold decision of taking Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currency notes out of circulation will surely break the spine of hawala traders, drugs and terror networks that are operating on a big scale across the country.
These old currency notes will now be merely pieces of paper. The bold decision will also effectively put out of circulation several lakh crores worth fake Indian currency notes, thus giving a boost to the Indian economy.
Those citizens who have huge amounts of black and unaccounted money in Rs 500 and Rs 1000 denominations, will have to face the flak.
One should help that the system will operate smoothly after banks and ATMs reopen. My appeal to all people is: those who have legal money with them, DO NOT PANIC.
Your currency notes will be exchanged at all banks and post offices, if you provide your residence proof. Beware of unscrupulous people who may try to fool ordinary people by promising them quick exchange of currency notes at a discount. There is no need to panic.