On Monday, the government of Prime Minister Imran Khan auctioned 61 out of 102 luxury vehicles kept at the Prime Minister House by former PM Nawaz Sharif for Rs 12 crore. This was part of Imran Khan’s promise to carry out austerity drive at the PM House and all Governor Houses. This money, which is nothing but peanuts, has been deposited in the government treasury, ostensibly for the welfare of the poor.
Pakistan is currently facing a severe balance of payment crisis, and is trying to seek Rs 12 billion aid from the International Monetary Fund. The country is under a huge debt burden of over Rs 2 trillion. Imran Khan plans to auction four helicopters kept at the PM House, but they are not in flying condition, and nobody knows how much money can be fetched from auction. Even if the helicopters are sold, the money available is still peanuts.
None of the big developed countries of the world are willing to assist Pakistan to deal with the present economic crisis. This is because Pakistan is considered as the ‘nursery’ of terrorism worldwide. In order to get economic assistance, Imran Khan’s government and the army will have to stop giving support to terror outfits which have mushroomed across Pakistan. I do not think Imran Khan will be able to do that, because his government is perceived to have been propped by the army.
It is in this context that Home Minister Rajnath Singh and Minister of State for External Affairs Retd. General V. K.Singh have said that India has practically no expectations from Pakistan despite a change in government, because Imran Khan’s government has been propped by the Pakistan Army. The Pakistani army chief had been openly calling for “revenge over blood spilled” on the Line of Control.
On the other hand, with several terrorist commanders killed in the Valley, terrorists have now resorted to taking out soft targets. On Monday, they killed a Territorial Army jawan, who had come home to Kulgam to take part in the funeral of his son. Terrorists in the Valley are now acting out of sheer frustration, and they are fast losing the sympathy of the common people.
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