Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited three nations in a span of four days, covered 26,000 kilometres, remained airborne for 33 hours, and used up every minute of the remaining 62 hours. I am really surprised at the number of meetings he attended, discussing crucial issues with heads of state and government, and meeting CEOs of reputed companies. These are all masters in their own field. It is no easy matter to clinch deals with these head honchos without adequate preparations. I have myself travelled with several Prime Ministers in the past. Normally these Prime Ministers after jet lag used to spend nights in hotels, took early morning briefings from their staff, and, at most, held two or three meetings during the day. But Prime Minister Modi not only attended several official meetings in a single day but also met people from diverse fields for 10 to 15 minutes daily. These were not scheduled meetings. The most important thing is that he works with non-stop zeal, in the glare of cameras, but with nary a frown or worry on his face, without showing any sign of fatigue. I have no other alternative but to appreciate our Prime Minister for his workaholic nature.
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