Madhya Pradesh chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has taken a brave decision to sit on fast at Dussehra ground in Bhopal to meet the representatives of farmers. In one stroke, he will be trying to achieve two objectives: one, to wean away farmer leaders from falling into the trap of violence, and two, he will now be interacting with farmer leaders directly. It has now been conclusively proved that local Congress leaders took a major part in instigating mobs to carry out stoning, arson and loot, in the guise of farmers. There are videos that clearly show local Congress leaders including a woman MLA, asking mobs to set fire to a police station. Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi and Digvijaya Singh were prevented from visiting violent-hit areas by police on
It has now been conclusively proved that local Congress leaders took a major part in instigating mobs to carry out stoning, arson and loot, in the guise of farmers. There are videos that clearly show local Congress leaders including a woman MLA, asking mobs to set fire to a police station. Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi and Digvijaya Singh were prevented from visiting violent-hit areas by police on Thursday because there was a possibility of the situation turning for the worse. Digvijaya Singh may claim that he had gone there to appeal for peace, but it does not match with the actions of local Congress leaders.