On Friday, Mirwaiz Moulvi Farooq made a fiery anti-India speech before his devout followers in Srinagar’s Jama Masjid. He said, ‘if one youth dies, there are 10 more youths to fight’. In short, he was openly praising terrorists. One thing is now clear from his speech. It does not matter at all to Mirwaiz and Geelani if youths throw stones, get injured, take up arms, and die in encounters with security forces. It does not matter to these separatist leaders if they give sudden strike calls bringing civic life to a halt, if traders suffer huge losses or school buildings are burnt. It, however, matters more to Mirwaiz and Geelani, if their main fundraiser Zahoor Ahmed Watali is arrested, if Shabbir Shah and seven other leaders are caught on the charge of terror funding, and if the terror funding tap from Pakistan is shut. Hurriyat leaders then become flustered, and then they resort to inciting people in mosques. On Friday, Mirwaiz tried to do exactly the same thing, but he and his associates have probably forgotten that the common man in Kashmir now knows his true face and the influence that Mirwaiz and Geelani once wielded, is now on the wane.
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