Bahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati deposited more than Rs 104 crore in her party bank account in Delhi, and with this disclosure, it will now be her turn to raise questions about other parties. Out of Rs 104 crore deposited in a single bank account of her party in Delhi, nearly Rs 101 crore were in Rs 1000 old currency notes, now no more legal tender.
Mayawati may now come forth with the explanation that this money was raised through small donations collected from party supporters before elections, and were duly deposited in the bank.
As per law, political parties can accept cash donations from each individual for a maximum of Rs 20,000, and there is no necessity of maintaining records of such donations. Mayawati may also allege that this leak was deliberately made to tarnish her party’s image before the polls. She is bound to ask questions about how much money was deposited in the bank accounts of BJP and Samajwadi Party.
There is another angle to this. The Income Tax department has sent notices to Mayawati’s brother Anand Kumar about benami properties. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has already announced that his government would now launch a campaign against benami property owners. One should hope that action will now be taken on this front.