On Wednesday, when pictures of a three-year-old boy weeping over his grandfather Bashir Ahmed Khan’s bullet-riddled body in Sopore, Kashmir, flashed across the world, the Pakistani fake propaganda machine went into a tizzy. This was a picture that showed the terrorists in a poor light, while the video of our security force jawan staking his life to rescue the child from terrorists’ firing showed how our brave men are trying to save lives of innocent people while fighting battles with terrorists.
The three-year-old child is now safe with his parents in Srinagar, but the Pakistani fake propaganda machine has spun a web of lies. It alleged that CRPF jawans dragged Bashir Ahmed Khan out of his car, which was caught in the crossfire, and shot him dead. The Pakistani propaganda machine made no mention of how a security personnel ran in the midst of firing, scooped up the child and took him to safety. No mention, nothing.
Naturally, the Pakistani propaganda about CRPF jawans killing the grandpa and minutes later, the video of a policeman rushing in to rescue the child, can put a James Hadley Chase suspense to shame. The mastermind behind this fake propaganda game seems to be China. How?
On June 29, four fighters of Balochistan Liberation Army, an outfit fighting for independence of Balochistan since several decades, attacked Karachi Stock Exchange and in the firefight that ensued, eight persons, including the four Baloch fighters, were killed.
The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, blamed the attack on India. He told the National Assembly, “Our security forces fought and thwarted a huge tragedy which was planned by our neighbouring country India.” He did not give a single piece of evidence against India, because he did not have any.
The Pakistani foreign ministry then took the matter to the floor of United Nations Security Council, by prodding its ally, China, which is a permanent member. The draft statement was stalled for nearly 24 hours by the US and Germany. The German representative said, he wanted to consult his government in Berlin, and got extension of time, and then the US took more time to study the statement. The final statement was perfunctory, as such statements are issued after every big terror attack.
“The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the heinous and cowardly terrorist attack that took place in Karachi, Pakistan, on 29 June 2020, which resulted in several people killed,” it said in a statement, more than 24 hours after the first draft was circulated by Pakistan’s ally China on Tuesday.
Clearly, China is using Pakistan as a vassal state to help in its game plan against India. The Pakistani fake propaganda machine, backed by its army, is now in full gear with help from China.
The sad part is that there are people in India who blindly toe the fake Pakistani propaganda line which said CRPF jawans dragged out the child’s grandfather from his car and shot him dead. These individuals do not trust the versions of Kashmir Police IGP and SHO. Most of these people project themselves as opponents of Narendra Modi, but they should not forget the national interest while blindly opposing Modi. For such people, I can only say this much, Forgive them God, for they know not what they are doing.
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