Bihar Police on Thursday said, it busted a terror module on the eve of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Patna visit on July 12, by arresting a retired police officer from Jharkhand and two others linked to terror outfits.
There was a shocking development that came to light during the investigation. Police seized an eight-page document titled “India Vision 2047: Towards Rule of Islam in India” prepared by People’s Front of India.
The ‘vision document; says, “we dream of a 2047 when the political power will return to the Muslim community, from whom power was snatched away unjustly by the British rulers.” The document further says, “If we look at the history of Islam, Muslims were always in a minority in India and to achieve victory, we do not need to have a majority. People’s Front of India is confident that even if 10 per cent of total Muslim population rally behind it, PFI can subjugate the ‘cowardly’ majority community to their knees and bring back the glory of Islam in India.”
The vision document says, “PFI cadres and Muslim youths must be told repeatedly that they are all working for Deen (religion). Allah has created this ‘kaynaat’ (world) and Muslims are there for achieving two aims: One, to establish the law of Allah, and two, Muslims are ‘Daai’ on earth. This must always be kept in mind that the rule of Islam must be established.”
The PFI vision document outlines four stages on how to achieve this aim. In Stage 1, PFI document says, “all Muslims everywhere, in different regions and belonging to different sects, must unite under the banner of PFI. They should recruit more members and give themselves weapons training, including use of iron rods, swords and other weapons. This training must include both offensive and defensive techniques… In order to achieve this, one must repeatedly remind the Muslim community of their grievances and create grievances, if there is none. All our frontal organisations must focus on expanding and recruiting new members. We must establish an Islamic identity beyond the concept of being an Indian.”
The vision document says, “In Stage 2, violence must be used selectively to terrorise our opponents (Hindus) and display our collective strength. There should be mass mobilization and we must limit the exposure of our trained cadere to security forces. ..Meanwhile, the party must use concepts like National Flag, Constitution and Ambedkar to shield the real intention of establishing Islamic rule…we must reach out to scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, other backward classes. We must also reach out to the executive and judiciary and infiltrate our members at all such levels for gathering information and getting favourable outcome that suits our interest. Further, there must be liaisoning with other Islamic countries to get funds and other assistance.”
In Stage 3, the PFI vision document says, “We need to create a split between RSS and SCs, STs, OBCs by projecting that RSS is interested only in the welfare of upper caste Hindus.” The document calls for discrediting all “secular” parties and forming a “purely Muslim” party that will cater to the needs of Muslims, Dalits, tribals and backward classes. The document asks its members “to project our strength through discipline, carrying out uniformed marches and physically intervening in saving the Muslim community wherever required, and attacking anyone who opposes our interest. Stockpiling of weapons and explosives must be done at this stage.”
In the fourth and last stage, the document says, “PFI must emerge as the undisputed leader of all Muslims”, sidelining all other Muslim parties and secular organisations. “It should gain the trust of at least 50 per cent of SCs, STs and OBCs, and work for their interests too.
The PFI document says, “Once in power, all important positions in the executive and judiciary as well as police and army must be filled with our loyal cadres. The doors of all government departments, including army and police, must be opened to fill them up with ‘loyal Muslims’ and SC/ST/OBCs to ‘correct past injustice and imbalances in recruitment’. Those who have been given arms training must now become more ‘overt’ and ‘eliminate all those who work against our interest’.
The document says, “These PE cadres should also act as a safeguard against the use of security forces by our opponents….When we have enough trained cadres and weapons, we will declare a new Constitution based on Islamic principles. External forces will also come to help us at this stage. There should be systematic and widespread elimination of our opponents, so that India can return to Islamic glory.”
I have deliberately outlined the details of “PFI vision for India 2047” from its document, to point out the diabolical manner in which anti-national forces are actively at work. Among the three persons arrested from Phulwari Sharif by Bihar Police is a retired police sub-inspector from Jharkhand. They were brainwashing gullible Muslim youths and giving them weapons training secretly. The documents, pamphlets and PFI flags seized from them reveal the tip of the iceberg.
The documents say, 75 years ago, an Islamic nation (Pakistan) emerged after Partition in 1947. ‘When Indian will celebrate its 100th year of independence, we must establish Islamic rule in the whole of India’, the document says.
Bihar Police officials said, this vision document has been secretly circulated to all PFI members across the country. In plain words, it means, a plan is afoot to launch insurrection against the State. In the documents, it was repeated ad nauseum “you were born as Muslims to establish the rule of Allah, you must work for Deen (religion)”. The documents also indicate the names of Islamic countries from where PFI expects help. It is an open secret that PFI has good relations with Turkey.
When I read the vision document, I could not believe that such a diabolical plan could be afoot. But when I went through all the other documents and pamphlets that were seized, it was truly shocking. In plain words, it amount to declaring war on India.
Retired police sub-inspector of Jharkhand Police, Mohammed Jalaluddin was arrested along with Athar Parvez, a leader of PFI and its political party SDPI. These documents and other materials were seized from them. There are names of several people who are said to be part of this PFI terror module.
They include Mohammed Jalaluddin, Athar Parvez, Shamim Akhtar, Riaz Marif, Sanaullah alias Aquib, Tausif Alam, Mehboob Alam, Ahsan Parvez, Salman, Mohd. Rslan, Mahbubur Rahman, Imtiaz Dawoodi, Khaliquzzaman, Ameen Alam, Zeeshan Ahmed, Riaz Ahmed, Manzar Parvez, Nuruddin Jangi, Mahboob Alam, Mohd. Riaz, Ansarul Haq, Mohd. Mustaquim, Mazharul Islam, Abdur Rehman, Armaan Malik and Parvez Alam.
Bihar Police said, it received inputs from central agencies on the eve of Prime Minister’s Bihar visit on July 12, and the accused were nabbed in Phulwari Sharif. This module was planning to carry out some action during the PM’s visit. When policemen reached Jalaluddin’s home, they were surprised to find that a full-fledged work was going on to impart arms training to youths. Along with Mohd. Jalaluddin and Athar Parvez, a third accused Amaan Malik was also nabbed.
Police said, PFI cadres were called to Bihar from Kerala, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal on July 6 and 7, six days before the PM was to visit Patna. They gave martial arts training and use of knives and swords to local youths at Jalaluddin’s residence. Police intelligence was keeping a close watch on the activity of outsiders, who had booked hotel rooms under false names and fake identity cards.
The recruitment process for PFI members in Bihar was tough. Aspirant youths were first radicalized, and for granting them membership, details like phone number, Aadhar number, voter I-card number, and village panchayat and assembly constituency details were collected from each of them. The arms training of youths was going on for the last two months, police said.
Among the dramatis personae, is Athar Parvez, a former SIMI member, according to police. Athar’s brother was part of the module that carried out blast at Narendra Modi’s rally in 2013 at Patna’s Gandhi Maidan. Athar Parvez was a member of terror outfit SIMI, but when SIMI was banned in 2001, he joined the PFI and SDPI.
Athar Parvez continued to help SIMI members who were arrested in bomb blast cases in Bihar, by arranging bail for them. He was said to be a ‘permanent bail giver’ for SIMI members. Now he is in the custody of Patna police. His brother is in jail in connection with Gandhi Maidan blast. Athar Parvez’s family members, whom India TV correspondent Nitish Chandra met in Naya Tola area of Patna on Thursday, claimed that he was innocent. “He performs namaaz five times a day and cannot be part of any anti-national activity”, his family members said.
PFI general secretary Anees Ahmed issued a statement denying all allegations made by Bihar Police. He said, a similar ‘story’ was earlier floated by UP police too, and there was no basis to all these allegations. He alleged that the government is using police to destroy his organisation.
Normally, any person who reads this ‘vision document’ can say that it is nothing but daydreaming about establishing Islamic rule in India in 2047. But if one goes through the background and activity of PFI during the past three years, one thing is clear. PFI poses a big danger to national security. Often, we read messages on WhatsApp and other social media platforms, about Muslims going to outnumber Hindus in India in the next 50 years.
People cite figures to show that if the current trend of population explosion continues, this can happen. Normally, people do not pay much attention to such imaginative comments. Nobody tried to get them checked, but the ‘vision document’ of PFI has set alarm bells ringing. It clearly shows that there are a large number of people in India who are dreaming of establishing Islamic rule in India.
All attempts at clarifying his stand by the PFI general secretary sound hollow. Documents do not lie. Recent events do not lie. Whether the communal riots in Delhi, Kanpur or Karauli, or the raging controversy over wearing of hijab in colleges, or the agitation against CAA and NRC, or the barbaric murders of Umesh Kohle in Amrawati and Kanhaiyalal in Udaipur, the name of PFI has featured in almost all of them. These PFI documents must not be taken lightly.
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