The leader of Congress in Lok Sabha, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury on Tuesday tried to add communal colour to the recent arrest of a Jammu and Kashmir DSP Davinder Singh, who was caught with a Hizbul terrorist and an overground worker. Chowdhury said, “Had Davinder Singh by default had been Davinder Khan, the reaction of troll regiment of RSS would have been more strident and vociferous. Enemies of our country ought to be condemned, irrespective of colour, creed, and religion.”
Congress spokesperson Randeep Surjewala tried to add a conspiracy angle by asking whether Davinder SIngh “was only a pawn in a bigger conspiracy”. Davinder Singh was the DSP in Pulwama when the infamous suicide attack took place in February last year killing 40 CRPF jawans. Surjewala also quoted 2001 Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru’s remark that he had cut a deal with Davinder Singh, who was then in Special Operation Group.
Surjewala asked, “Who is Davinder Singh? What was his role in Parliament attack? What was his role in Pulwama attack? Was he carrying Hizbul terrorists on his own, or was he only a pawn, as master conspirators are elsewhere?”
The arrested DSP has reportedly confessed that he was helping terrorists as he wanted money for his daughter’s marriage. Looking at his under construction house in Kashmir, one can easily conclude that he was no ordinary policeman. Now that the National Investigation Agency has taken up the probe, one should expect that more facts would emerge.
I feel that the entire matter is not so simple as is being projected. NIA will have to dig out more replies to questions that are being raised. Can a DSP level officer be so naive as to keep terrorists in his house, keep telephonic contacts and then take them in a car towards Delhi? Any one would find these difficult to believe.
As far as giving a communal colour to the arrest, and raising suspicions about Pulwama attack are concerned, the reactions from Congress leaders seem amateurish. Already, the Congress had to bite the dust during Lok Sabha elections for questioning Pulwama attack. If the party leaders raise this question again, they would be committing another mistake. Raising suspicions and giving communal touch to terror cases for scoring political brownie points cannot be in the national interest.
The problem is that the Congress party has a number of leaders who excel in the art of making atrocious statements. They include Mani Shankar Aiyar, who recently made pro-Pakistan remarks in Lahore at a literary fest. Such statements do not behove the leaders of the Grand Old Party of India.
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