The chief ministers of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh have opposed Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s film Padmavati, with some of them declaring that they would not allow the film to be released in their states. Punjab Chief Minister Capt Amrinder Singh has also joined the chorus saying nothing objectionable should be shown. The problem is: none of these chief ministers have seen the film themselves, but have jumped to the conclusion that there are objectionable scenes in the film. It appears that these chief ministers have been swayed by angry protests which are purely based on imaginary issues. There have been calls to attack the film artists and the director, but action has been taken in only a few cases by the police.
I can say with full confidence that if all the chief ministers watch the film themselves, they will themselves feel ashamed about their unwarranted remarks about the film. I repeat: there is not a single scene in which Queen Padmavati and Alauddin Khilji appear together. All the talk about love scene and dream sequence are mere rubbish and baseless. There has been no compromise on the issue of Rajput pride in this film. On the contrary, the valour and sacrifice of the Rajputs have been portrayed in an effective manner.
I will once again appeal to Sanjay Leela Bhansali to arrange a screening for those who are protesting, and I would request chief ministers Yogi Adityanath, Vasundhara Raje and Shivraj Singh Chouhan to first watch the film personally and then make remarks. A leader is one who leads, not the one who is led by the mob and follows the mob meekly.
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