Millions of Class X students across the country, except Delhi-NCR and Haryana, heaved a sigh of relief on Friday evening, when the Education Secretary announced that there would be no retest for Maths in all regions except Delhi-NCR and Haryana, where question paper leaks are supposed to have taken place. The date for Class XII Economics paper was also announced ending uncertainty and confusion in the minds of examinees and their parents.
There were three issues before the Education department of HRD Ministry: One, how to end uncertainties in the minds of examinees. This ended with the announcement of retest date for Class XII Economics, and a possible retest for Class X Maths, if required, in Delhi-NCR and Haryana.
Two, questions were raised as to why CBSE did not take action when it was getting leaked question papers on e-mail, fax and courier. The reply given was that in the past too, such claims of leaks were made but were later found to be fake. This time the board could not establish that the leaks did take place and hence, it did not pre-empt the cheaters by cancelling the exam.
Third point: How will the board ensure that such leaks do not recur in future? The reply given by the Education Secretary was that since the exams are due only next year, necessary measures to plug all loopholes in the system will be put in place.
The question now is: CBSE had an impeccable record of leak-proof examination system till date, there used to be more than one set of question papers to tackle such eventualities, question papers used to be kept in SBI branch lockers, question papers were printed at government security printing press, then how was the security breached? Till the time there are no specific answers to these questions, all other replies make no meaning.
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