On Tuesday, the Mohali Police in Punjab alongwith district health authorities raided an unlicensed factory at a village near Mohali-Kharar Road and seized 2,060 kg of spurious cheese alongwith 3,375 kg of skimmed milk powder made from ‘synthetic’ milk, 89 kg of butter and 360 litres of sulphuric acid. The owner was arrested and the illicit factory was sealed. Samples of all these milk products were sent to a lab in Kharar for testing.
Synthetic milk and products made from it are sheer poison, whether it is cheese, butter, khoya or paneer. It leads to a slow death for consumers. Several years ago the Centre had promised to bring a law to give death sentence to those who adulterate food products and sell fake medicines.
Time has come for the government to enact such a stringent law to act as deterrent for such people who play with the lives of people. In most of the countries of the world, food adulteration is considered a heinous crime, and a similar legislation should be enforced in India too.
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