India TV in its prime time show ‘Aaj Ki Baat’ telecast on Wednesday night a detailed investigative report about a medical analysis that shows that polluted air in the nation’s capital could be causing lung cancer. A noted chest surgeon of a Delhi hospital cited several cases where non-smoker patients coming from families with no history of smoking were suffering from lung cancer due to air pollution.
We sent our reporters to speak to these patients, and also leading doctors from AIIMS and other reputed hospitals to check whether the conclusion was correct or not. Almost all medical experts agreed that polluted air in Delhi could be the cause behind rise in lung cancer cases.
Doctors from all over the world had been telling us regularly that smoking was the main reason behind lung cancer. People who smoke constitute the biggest risk category for lung cancer cases. Rampant use of carcinogenic pesticides while growing vegetable and fruits was also one of the reasons for spread of cancer. Ground water polluted due to excessive use of pesticides reach our food chain and can cause cancer.
People can shun smoking tobacco, and avoid consuming fruits and vegetables grown after use of pesticide. They can also take care about drinking water, but what about the polluted air that we all breathe?
Clearly, pollution is our biggest enemy and we cannot afford to lower our guard while tackling pollution. No government on earth can tackle pollution alone. Citizens will have to come forward to combat air and water pollution. We must ensure safe drinking water, non-contaminated food and clean air for our children. Let’s combat pollution in all its varieties right now, because tomorrow could be too late.
In one of my earlier blogs, I had mentioned the name of three plants which you can use in your homes to get pollution free air. Students of IIT, Kanpur had researched about these three plants, which if used in our homes, can give us fresh oxygen and save us from air pollution.
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