Five bulldozers were used to demolish illegal constructions made at Noori Jama Masjid in Fatehpur district of Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday. There was no stoning, no firing nor lathicharge. There were no protests. The demolition was done peacefully in the presence of district magistrate, SP, SDM and Tehsildar. The portions of the 185-year-old mosque which were built after encroaching on government land were demolished. Local Muslim residents said, the original mosque was smaller, but over the years there were encroachments to build ‘minars’ and shops.
According to the local administration, bulldozers were used as per recent guidelines given by the Supreme Court. Noori Masjid was built in 1839. Over the years, more additions were made by encroaching upon government land. Four months ago, on August 17, the state Public Works Department issued notices to 139 persons, including the Noori Masjid Management Committee and directed them to remove illegal encroachments within 45 days. Several shopkeepers removed their shops, but the Masjid Committee sought more time.
The Masjid Committee filed a petition in Allahabad High Court, but the High Court refused to stay demolition. Masjid Committee members alleged that the High Court had adjourned the hearing to December 13, but the administration decided to demolish.
Three points are clear from this demolition. One, the original historic structure of the mosque remains intact and only the shops and ‘minars’ that were built on government land were demolished. Two, sufficient time was given by issuing notices. Three, the High Court did not give any relief to the Masjid Committee nor did it stay the demolition.
On the allegation that heavens would not have fallen if the administration had given some more time, it can be said that the constructions were illegal, government land was encroached upon and therefore demolished. Because of these illegal constructions, work on building the state highway had come to a standstill.
I think the Masjid Committee should have come forward on its own and removed the illegal structures. The state highway is going to benefit all sections of society. Use of bulldozers could have been avoided. Whenever demolition takes place near mosques, baseless rumours make the rounds on social media. The manner in which the local administration dealt with the issue is a right one. All the facts were laid before the parties and there was no dispute.