The arrest of JNU student Sharjeel Imam by a joint team of Delhi Police and Bihar Police highlights the motives and intentions of anti-national elements trying to take undue advantage of anti-CAA protests across India.
Sharjeel Imam is facing sedition charges in five states (UP, Assam, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh and Delhi) for giving an inflammatory speech in Aligarh Muslim University, where he was seen giving a call for Northeast to be cut off from India. “Assam aur India katke alag ho jaaye, tabhi ye humari baat sunenge (Only once India and Assam are cut off from each other will they listen to us),” he can be heard as saying in the video.
No patriotic Indian worth his or her salt can countenance such a seditious remark, particularly at this juncture when inimical forces are trying to destabilize India by injecting communal colour to politics. Sharjeel Imam was one of the handful of student leaders who took part in mobilizing Muslim women at the Shaheen Bagh protest in Delhi.
It goes to the credit of Delhi Police that it arrested the offender within 48 hours of the video surfacing on social media. Home Minister Amit Shah has already said that such anti-national elements will be dealt with sternly.
Watching inflammatory speeches of Sharjeel Imam, his brother and another JNU student Afreen Fatima, the general impression that was sought to be created was that there is fear in the minds of Muslims over CAA and NRC, was only a cover for anti-national elements.
There was meticulous planning behind anti-CAA protests across India, particularly in Shaheen Bagh, with clear ulterior motives. Muslims have not taken to the streets out of fear; they have been intimidated and misguided by nefarious elements to come and join the protests.
Mere inflammatory speeches were not enough. There was planning by People’s Front of India (PFI), a Muslim outfit, whose supporters indulged in arson and violence in cities of U.P. and Rs 134 crore was disbursed by this outfit throughout India to stage anti-CAA protests. From where did the money come?
It was not mere coincidence that the Shaheed Bagh dharna is taking place right outside the PFI office in that locality. This seems to be part of a major anti-national conspiracy. Those who gave inflammatory speeches are being nabbed, but the real characters who are behind this conspiracy must be unmasked. At the earliest.
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