The Allahabad High Court judgement in Aarushi murder case should serve as an eyeopener to all. In stinging observations against the CBI and the trial court, the High court observed that the trial judge “unmindful of basic tenets of law…adopted partial and parochial approach”…and the trial court’s verdict was “a creation of fanciful reasoning”. The 273-page judgement by a bench of Justice B K Narayana and A K Mishra, observed that the trial court judge “like a film director tried to thrust coherence amongst facts inalienably scattered here and there but not giving any coherence to the idea as to what in fact happened.” The High Court also slammed the CBI saying it tampered with evidence and tutored and planted witnesses.
After reading the entire judgement, I feel sad to find that the CBI already knew that Nupur Talwar and Rajesh Talwar were innocent. The CBI had even prepared the closure report, but the trial court converted the closure report into a chargesheet and while making Nupur and Rajesh Talwar the prime accused, sentenced them to life imprisonment. India TV spoke to two former CBI officials, one of whom had personally investigated the case, and the other was a former CBI chief. Both admitted that the CBI had no concrete evidence to prove that Aarushi was murdered by her parents. And yet, both Nupur and Rajesh Talwar had to spend four years in jail, and face nine years of infamy as being suspects in their daughter’s murder. And look at the weakness in our judicial system. Even after being proved innocent by the High Court, the couple will have to spend some more days in jail, for the simple reason that process of release from jail during a weekend would take more time. The entire system needs to be reformed and debated over, so that no innocent person should ever face such a situation in future.
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