पीएम मोदी ने कैसे चीन को लद्दाख में अपनी फौज पीछे हटाने के लिए मजबूर किया
भारत ने सोमवार को एक बड़ी सफलता हासिल की जब गलवान घाटी, पैंगोंग झील और गोगरा हॉट स्प्रिंग में 2 महीने तक चले लंबे गतिरोध के बाद लाइन ऑफ एक्चुअल कंट्रोल पर तनाव वाली जगहों से भारत और चीन के सैनिक अब पीछे हटना शुरू हुए हैं।
चीनी सैनिकों ने अपने टेंट हटा लिए हैं और पैंगोंग झील के फिंगर 5 की तरफ जाते हुए देखे गए हैं। जबकि गलवान घाटी के पेट्रोलिंग प्वाइंट 14 जहां 15 जून को खूनी हिंसक झड़प हुई थी और भारत के सेना अधिकारी सहित 20 जवान शहीद हुए थे तथा भारी संख्या में चीनी सैनिक भी मरे थे, में ‘बफर जोन’ तैयार किया गया है। चीनी सैनिक लगभग 2 किलोमीटर पीछे हट गए हैं। गोगरा हॉट स्प्रिंग में तनाव वाली जगह पेट्रोलिंग प्वाइंट 15 और 17ए में भी इसी तरह सैनिक पीछे हटे हैं।
तस्वीर अब पूरी तरह साफ है। चीनी सैनिकों के जमावड़े से निपटने के लिए प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी के दृढ़ संकल्प से यह कामयाबी हासिल हुई है। चीन ने दो महीने पहले आक्रामक मुद्रा अपना ली थी, पर अब उसके तेवर शांत हो गए हैं । अब चीनी सैनिक अपने टेंट और बख्तरबंद गाड़ियों के साथ पीछे हटना शुरू हो गए हैं। संक्षेप में कहें तो चीन ने अतिक्रमण के जरिए जिस विवाद को पैदा किया था उसपर भारत ने पूर्ण विराम लगा दिया है।
भारत ने चीन को साथ साफ बता दिया था कि भारत पड़ोसियों के साथ शान्ति चाहता है, सदभाव चाहता है, लेकिन देश की संप्रभुता की कीमत पर नहीं, अखंडता की कीमत पर नहीं । अगर चीन सरहद पर गड़बड़ी करेगा, तो भारत हर तरह से तैयार है। इस सख्त और साफ मैसेज के बाद चीन को कदम पीछे खींचने पड़े । जो चीन भारत को साठ साल से आंख दिखा रहा था, .जो चीन साठ साल से धीरे धीरे हमारी जमीन पर कब्जा कर रहा था, .साठ साल में चीन को कभी सख्त जबाव नहीं मिला था, इसलिए चीन की हिम्मत बढ़ी थी, लेकिन साठ साल में पहली बार चीन को भारत ने आंख दिखाई, तो ड्रैगन चुपचाप अपने रास्ते वापस हो लिया । .चीन को अब समझ आ गया है कि भारत बदल गया है, .भारत का मिजाज बदल गया है, भारत के तेवर बदल गए हैं., भारत का कॉन्फिडेंस लेवल बदल गया है । अब पुराना भारत नहीं रहा कि चीनी सैनिक आएंगे, हमारी जमीन पर कब्जा करेंगे और भारत चुपचाप देखता रहेगा.।
प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी ने दुनिया को दिखा दिया कि कूटनीति के साथ साथ रणनीतिक कौशल भी जरूरी होता है । मोदी ने सिर्फ कूटनीति से काम नहीं लिया, .डिप्लोमेसी के साथ साथ इकोनॉमिक और सैन्य शक्ति का भी सहारा लिया.। दुनिया ने देखा कि भारत का प्रधानमंत्री , 130 करोड़ लोगों का मुखिया, अपने सैनिकों के साथ खुद सरहद पर खड़ा है । इसके बाद चीन को भी समझ आ गया था कि अब कोई रास्ता नहीं, भारत पर प्रैशर बनाने का कोई फायदा नहीं । .मोदी ने उसी दिन कहा था कि वीर भोग्या वसुन्धरा, .अब विस्तारवाद का जमाना गया, अब विकासवाद का वक्त है और ये बात विस्तारवादी ताकतों को समझनी होगी ।
मोदी ने चीन का नाम नहीं लिया था कि लेकिन संदेश साफ था, चीन भी भारत की ताकत को .और भारत की भावना को समझ गया ।.इसके बाद बाकी रही सही बात हमारे नेशनल सिक्युरिटी एडवाइजर अजीत डोभल ने पूरी कर दी । डोभल ने चीन के विदेश मंत्री से बात की, दो घंटे तक बात हुई और आखिरकार चीन को पीछे हटना पड़ा ।
अंत में दोनो पक्ष तनाव वाली जगहों से सेना को पीछे हटाने और तनाव के दौरान तैयार किए गए ढांचों को हटाने पर सहमत हुए। चीनी सैनिकों की वापसी को लेकर भारत बहुत सतर्क है और ड्रोन, सैटेलाइट तस्वीरें तथा फिजिकल वैरिफिकेशन के जरिए पैनी नजर बनाए हुए है।
टकराव वाली जगहों पर सैन्य उपस्थिति खत्म करके ‘बफर जोन’ बनाना सैनिकों के पीछे हटने की योजना का पहला चरण होगा। इसके बाद 3-4 हफ्ते स्थिरता रखी जाएगी और दोनो पक्ष प्रक्रिया पर निगरानी रखेंगे और अगर कोई नया विवाद पैदा होता है तो उसका समाधान करेंगे। इसके बाद LAC के दोनो तरफ सेना के भारी जमावड़े को कम करने के लिए कूटनीतिक और सैनिक स्तर पर बात की जाएगी। सैनिकों की वापसी की पूरी योजना को अंतिम रूप देने के लिए इस साल सितंबर या अक्तूबर तक का समय लग सकता है।
नरेन्द्र मोदी ने चीन को ये साफ बता दिया कि मैप हो या एप हो, अगर अपनी सीमा पार करोगे तो करारा जबाव मिलेगा । नरेन्द्र मोदी ने ये भी बता दिया कि ये नया भारत है, दुश्मन को वहां चोट करता हैं जहां उसको दर्द सबसे ज्यादा होता है । पहले तो प्रधानमंत्री के लेह के दौरे ने भारत का इरादा बिल्कुल साफ कर दिया कि अब वो जमाना चला गया कि जब भारत डर के बैठ जाता था, चीन ने भी देख लिया कि मोदी न तो डोकलाम में झुके, न वन बैल्ट वन रोड पर समझौता किया, दूसरी तरफ चीन पर आर्थिक दवाब बनाया, आत्मनिर्भर भारत का आह्वान देकर चीन के सामान के बॉयकॉट का माहौल बनाकर ऐसी हालत कर दी कि चीनी कंपनियां शी जिंगपिंग की सरकार के सामने जाकर सॉल्यूशन निकालने की मांग करने लगी । फिर मोदी ने चीन के 59 एप्स पर बैन लगा कर चीन पर टैक्नोलॉजिकल प्रैशर बनाया। अंदाजा ये हैं इन एप्स को बंद करने से चीनी कपंनियों को 50 अरब डॉलर का नुकसान हुआ है ।
नरेन्द्र मोदी की कूटनीति पर, उनकी विदेश नीति पर कांग्रेस पिछले छह साल से सवाल उठा रही है लेकिन आज ये साबित हो गया कि अमेरिका, रूस, फ्रांस, जर्मनी, ब्रिटेन, जापान, .इस्राइल. जैसे तमाम देशों का दौरा करके, दुनिया के तमाम देशों के राष्ट्राध्यक्षों के साथ व्यक्तिगत कैमेस्ट्री डेवलप करके मोदी ने जो घेरा बनाया, चीन उसी घेरे में फंसा हैं । चीन को पहली बार ये समझ आया है कि दुनिया में पाकिस्तान और नॉर्थ कोरिया को छोड़कर कोई मुल्क उसके साथ नहीं हैं, दुनिया की बड़ी बड़ी ताकतें चीन के खिलाफ हैं, 23 पड़ोसी देशों के साथ चीन का विवाद चल रहा है और दूसरी तरफ पूरी दुनिया अब भारत के पक्ष में खड़ी है । इससे भी बड़ी बात ये है कि सिर्फ दुनिया के सपोर्ट से चीन रास्ते पर नहीं आया, भारत की बढ़ती ताकत और तेजी से विकसित होते इन्फ्रास्ट्रक्चर ने भी चीन को जमीन पर लाने में मदद की ।
चीन की कोशिश ये थी कि गलवान के इलाके में भारत निर्माण का काम बंद करे , सड़क बनाना बंद करे, पुल बनाना बंद करे .लेकिन भारत दवाब में नही आया, काम बंद नहीं हुआ । .चीन की परेशानी इसलिए भी है. क्योंकि सरहद के इलाकों में भारत ने जबरदस्त इन्फ्रास्ट्रक्चर डेवलप किया है, सड़क और पुल बनाने के अलावा हवाई पट्टियां भी बनाई गई हैं । अब हमारी सेना के बड़े बड़े विमान भी लेह और लद्दाख में आराम से उतर सकते हैं, .कनैक्टिविटी बढ़ गई है, ये बड़ी बात है.। इसका असर हुआ है।
आखिर में एक और बात। प्रधानमंत्री चीन को इसलिए रोक पाए कि पूरा देश उनके पीछे खड़ा था । .ये जीत इसलिए हासिल हुई कि हमारी तीनों सेनाओं ने भरोसा दिलाया था कि चीन की चुनौती का सामना करने में सक्षम हैं । ऐसे संकट के मौके पर ही नेतृत्व के असली साहस की परख होती है।
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How PM Modi forced China to withdraw its troops in Ladakh
In a major breakthrough, Indian and Chinese troops began a step-wise disengagement from tension points at Line of Actual Control in eastern Ladakh after a two month-long stand-off in Galwan valley, Pangong lake and Gogra-Hot Springs.
The Chinese troops removed tents and were seen moving back towards Finger 5 at Pangong Lake, while in Galwan Valley, a ‘buffer zone’ has been created at Patrolling Point 14, the site of bloody clashes on June 15, in which 20 Indian jawans and officers were martyred and a large number of Chinese soldiers were killed. The Chinese troops have moved back nearly two kilometres. In Gogra-Hot Springs area, similar disengagement is going on at friction points near Patrolling Points 15 and 17A.
The picture is now clear. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s steel resolve to face the Chinese military build-up with a matching response from Indian armed forces has paid dividends. China, which had adopted a belligerent posturing for the last two months, has now calmed down, and its troops have begun withdrawing with their tents and armoured vehicles. To put it briefly, it was India which brought a full stop to the dispute that China had created by committing transgressions.
Never in the last six decades had the Chinese army got such a resolute response from the India. Prime Minister Modi’s tough message has gone down effectively, that India wants peace, but if its territorial integrity and sovereignty is attacked, it will strike back. There can be no compromise on this issue.
The Prime Minister has shown to the world how India can use its strategic, diplomatic and economic firepower to force the enemy to accept peace. The world has noticed how the leader of 1.3 billion Indians went to the border and stood before his jawans to deliver a tough message to China by giving a warning against any ‘expansionist’ designs.
It was in this context that the grounds of disengagement were set after a two-hour-long “frank and in-depth interaction”, marked by sharp exchanges, between National Security Adviser Ajit Doval and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Sunday.
The two sides finally agreed over reduction of military presence at the trouble spots, pulling back of troops and dismantling of structures that were raised during the stand-off. India is practising extreme caution keeping a hawk’s eye over Chinese troop withdrawals with the help of drones and satellite pictures, and through physical verifications.
The setting up of “buffer zones” with no military presence at all friction points will mark the completion of Phase-1 of disengagement plan. This will be followed by a stabilization period of 3 to 4 weeks during which both sides will monitor the process and resolve if any fresh dispute arises. Further diplomatic and military level talks will be held for eventual de-induction of military build-up by both sides along the LAC in Ladakh. The final de-induction may take place by September or October this year.
Prime Minister Modi has effectively sent a stern message to China: whether it’s a map or app, if you cross the line, you will get a strong response, because this is New India, and the Indian government knows to strike where it hurts the most. After Modi’s sudden visit to Ladakh, the Chinese side sat up and took notice of how India has changed, whether it is Doklam or the Galwan valley.
Secondly, by giving the “self-reliance” (atmanirbhar) call, Modi put tremendous economic pressure on China, whose companies were raking in profits through 59 social media apps, and by making investments in Indian start-ups. A nationwide call was given to boycott Chinese products, and the harried Chinese companies had to tell their government to halt tension and start the peace dialogue. The Chinese companies were staring at a $ 50 billion loss because of the steps taken by the Indian government. All their plans for expansion and investment in India had dashed to the ground through a single “digital strike”.
Credit must also go to the personal chemistry developed with world leaders by Prime Minister Modi during his summits with the US, Russia, France, Germany, Britain, Japan and Israel. These countries came out in full support of India during the stand-off against China. It was this web of diplomatic finesse that caught the Chinese inside it. China also came to realize that it had only ‘failed’ countries like Pakistan and North Korea to stand by it during this stand-off. The major world powers had openly sided with India, and were speaking out openly against China.
Moreover, China is in a running feud with at least 23 neighbouring countries in East and South East Asia. The Chinese decided to bend not only because of worldwide support for India, but because of the rising economic and military power of India, which is going ahead fast in developing infrastructure at the Chinese border.
The main Chinese grouse was over India carrying out construction activity near the Galwan valley. China wanted India to stop construction of roads and bridges, but India refused to budge. India has not only built roads and bridges, but also airstrips near the LAC, like the one at Daulat Beg Oldie, where huge Indian transport aircraft can make easy landing. With easy connectivity by India with Ladakh and other border areas, the Chinese find that the overall Indian outlook has now changed. India is no more timid and cannot be browbeaten.
Lastly, Prime Minister Modi succeeded in making the Chinese troops go back because the entire nation stood rock solid behind his leadership. It is in times of such crises that the true mettle of leadership is tested.
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How Modi gave a tremendous boost to the morale of our jawans in Ladakh
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday conveyed an emphatic message to China during his surprise visit to a forward location in eastern Ladakh.
Addressing Indian army, Indian Air Force, Border Security Force and Indo-Tibetan Border Police jawans at Nimu, Modi, without naming China, said “the age of expansionism is over. This is the age of development. In the centuries gone by, it was expansionism which hurt humanity the most and sought to destroy it.
“Those who are driven by expansionism have always posed a danger to the world. History bears testimony that such forces have either been destroyed or were forced to turn back. It is due to this experience that the world is today speaking out against expansionist forces.”
The Prime Minister praised the jawans for their indomitable courage while fighting Chinese troops with bare hands in Galwan Valley last month. Modi said, “The valour that you and your fellow jawans recently showed has sent a powerful message across the world about India’s strength. I pay my tributes to the brave jawans who attained martyrdom. The entire nation has expressed its gratitude to our brave martyrs.”
Modi said,, “The enemies of India have seen the fire and fury of its jawans….Your bravery encourages me to say that India, which has never bowed before anyone, will never succumb in future and will become self-reliant (atmanirbhar)”. The jawans chanted slogans like ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’, ‘Vande Mataram’ after the Prime Minister’s speech.
Later, Modi placed wreaths at the memorial for martyrs and met injured army jawans in hospital. Modi’s visit to address the jawans at a height of 11,000 feet has given a tremendous boost to the morale of our armed forces, presently deployed at the Line of Actual Control to counter a massive Chinese military buildup.
“The entire Ladakh region is the crown of India. It is a symbol of prestige and honour for 130 crore Indians. Our religious scriptures say, Veer Bhogya Vasundhara (this land belongs to the brave who are always willing to make sacrifices)”, Modi said, while sending a tough message to the Chinese. Late at night, the Chinese foreign ministry described the Prime Minister’s charge of China being “expansionist” as “groundless”.
Modi has done what no leader in the world has done so far. He visited the forward location of Indian army at a time when tension and military build-up is at its zenith, with Indian Air Force jets and bombers making sorties in the sky and tanks, artillery guns and thousands of commandos and jawans deployed at the LAC. He met the jawans, saluted their sense of valour, and delivered a clear warning to China. This was indeed a big morale booster for our jawans.
Modi’s message to China and the world was clear: India has changed a lot and its army stands solidly as a rock to give a crushing blow to the enemies. He used religious symbols as allegory when he said, while India worships the flute-playing Lord Krishna, it also views Lord Krishna as one who wields the famous Sudarshan Chakra to slay enemies. This was intended to convey a tough message to China: India wants peace, but is ready to give a befitting reply if attacked. “Valour is a pre-condition of peace, and for peace, might is necessary”, he added.
As an astute statesman, Modi chose the right time, place and context for delivering his message, both to the jawans and the enemy. His message was well poised and balanced. He chose his words very carefully. The Prime Minister spoke from the depth of his heart, and recited lines from Hindi poet Ramdhari Singh Dinkar, in praise of the brave martyrs. He also used the ‘mother’ allegory, saying, he always kept two mothers in mind when taking important decisions on national security, one, Bharat Mata, and two, the mothers of all jawans fighting on the border.
This was not a visit by a political leader, nor by a Prime Minister. It was Narendra Modi, who personally wanted to convey the message of 130 crore Indians to army jawans to say that the entire nation stands united behind them. When Modi with folded hands bowed his head before the troops, ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ chants by army jawans rented the air.
By visiting a forward location near the border with his Chief of Defence Staff and Army Chief, Modi wanted to convey a tough message to China: Behave properly and we shall live in peace, but if you try to transgress the limits, we will give a befitting response.
Modi’s visit to Ladakh has made every Indian raise his head with pride. The people of India know that the nation is in the safe hands of a strong and capable leader. China has now realized that the breathing of fire by its dragon will not cow down the Indian lion.
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How China is using fake Pakistani propaganda to defame India
On Wednesday, when pictures of a three-year-old boy weeping over his grandfather Bashir Ahmed Khan’s bullet-riddled body in Sopore, Kashmir, flashed across the world, the Pakistani fake propaganda machine went into a tizzy. This was a picture that showed the terrorists in a poor light, while the video of our security force jawan staking his life to rescue the child from terrorists’ firing showed how our brave men are trying to save lives of innocent people while fighting battles with terrorists.
The three-year-old child is now safe with his parents in Srinagar, but the Pakistani fake propaganda machine has spun a web of lies. It alleged that CRPF jawans dragged Bashir Ahmed Khan out of his car, which was caught in the crossfire, and shot him dead. The Pakistani propaganda machine made no mention of how a security personnel ran in the midst of firing, scooped up the child and took him to safety. No mention, nothing.
Naturally, the Pakistani propaganda about CRPF jawans killing the grandpa and minutes later, the video of a policeman rushing in to rescue the child, can put a James Hadley Chase suspense to shame. The mastermind behind this fake propaganda game seems to be China. How?
On June 29, four fighters of Balochistan Liberation Army, an outfit fighting for independence of Balochistan since several decades, attacked Karachi Stock Exchange and in the firefight that ensued, eight persons, including the four Baloch fighters, were killed.
The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, blamed the attack on India. He told the National Assembly, “Our security forces fought and thwarted a huge tragedy which was planned by our neighbouring country India.” He did not give a single piece of evidence against India, because he did not have any.
The Pakistani foreign ministry then took the matter to the floor of United Nations Security Council, by prodding its ally, China, which is a permanent member. The draft statement was stalled for nearly 24 hours by the US and Germany. The German representative said, he wanted to consult his government in Berlin, and got extension of time, and then the US took more time to study the statement. The final statement was perfunctory, as such statements are issued after every big terror attack.
“The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the heinous and cowardly terrorist attack that took place in Karachi, Pakistan, on 29 June 2020, which resulted in several people killed,” it said in a statement, more than 24 hours after the first draft was circulated by Pakistan’s ally China on Tuesday.
Clearly, China is using Pakistan as a vassal state to help in its game plan against India. The Pakistani fake propaganda machine, backed by its army, is now in full gear with help from China.
The sad part is that there are people in India who blindly toe the fake Pakistani propaganda line which said CRPF jawans dragged out the child’s grandfather from his car and shot him dead. These individuals do not trust the versions of Kashmir Police IGP and SHO. Most of these people project themselves as opponents of Narendra Modi, but they should not forget the national interest while blindly opposing Modi. For such people, I can only say this much, Forgive them God, for they know not what they are doing.
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The whole world must see how Indian security forces saved a child from terrorists’ bullets in Kashmir
Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists hiding inside a mosque in Model Town, Sopore on Wednesday morning attacked a CRPF patrolling party killing a head constable Deep Chand Verma. During the encounter that followed, a 65-year-old man Bashir Ahmed Khan with his three-year-old grandson drove his car in the line of fire.
In order to save his grandson, Bashir Ahmed Khan, a resident of Mustafabad, Srinagar, left the child inside the car and tried to flee, but was caught in the cross firing. He died on the spot. The child came out of the car and sat on his grandpa’s blood-stained body, crying, even as terrorists continued firing bullets indiscriminately. Pictures of the child crying over the body lying on the street caused nationwide outrage over this barbaric act by terrorists.
CRPF jawans positioned bulletproof cars around the child, and one of the policemen ran into the street and rescued the child. When the weeping child was taken away in a jeep, he was heard saying, “Mujhe Mummy Ke Paas Pahuncha Do. Ghar Jaana hai” (Take me to my mother, I want to go home).
These words and pictures of a weeping, innocent child will continue to haunt the minds of millions of Indians for years to come. The grandfather, who was hit by terrorists’ bullets, lay on the ground crying for help, and the child stood helpless. The man died soon after, and the weeping child, in order to save his grandpa, sat on his chest. Even then, the terrorists continued to rain bullets.
The child did not know what was happening and why was his grandpa was bleeding. CRPF jawans waiting at the other end knew that the child might soon became the target of terrorists. Unaware about the impending danger, the toddler went up to a CRPF jawan hiding. He signalled the child to stop, even as bullets continue to rain.
The CRPF patrol party created a secure cordon around the child, brought bulletproof cars to shield the toddler, and one of the J&K policemen ran into the crossfiring, carried the child into his arms and ran back to safety. Inside the police jeep, the weeping toddler was given chocolates and biscuits by the jawans. The child was later handed over to his relieved parents.
This is not the first time that terrorists have tried to kill a child. This is the second one in less than a week of the grenade attack by terrorists in Anantnag in which a four-year-old boy was killed along with a CRPF jawan.
The inspector general of Kashmir Police Vijay Kumar said, two LeT terrorists, one of them a Pakistani named Usman Bhai and the other a local youth named Adil, fired 30 bullets from inside the Sopore mosque before fleeing. Three CRPF jawans, Rajesh Bhoye, Deepak Patil and Nilesh Chawde, were injured and are being treated in 92 Base hospital.
The IGP said, the CRPF jawans could have easily killed the two terrorists who fled, but their first priority was to rescue the child, and the terrorists took advantage of this.
There has been four terror attacks in the valley in the last 48 hours, and in all the four attacks, the terrorists were eliminated, Operation All Out against terrorists is on in the Kashmir valley. The mission of security forces is clear: each terrorist shall be eliminated, come what may.
Terrorists are fast losing support of the common people in Kashmir valley. The terror groups are under pressure from their Pakistani masters to carry out more attacks to divert India’s attention from its military standoff against China on the Line of Actual Control. China has already contacted Al Badr terror group to carry out more attacks on Indian security forces, and its lackey Pakistan has dispatched 20,000 troops to Gilgit-Baltistan adjoining Ladakh, to help the Chinese army. Even if China and Pakistan decide to open a two-front battle against India, our armed forces are ready to give them a befitting reply.
Our security forces are doing a great job in the Valley. On one hand, they are trying their best to save civilians from terror attacks, and on the other hand, they are giving terrorists a befitting reply.
The world must sit up and take notice of the innocent child who sat over his dead grandpa’s body weeping, unaware about the bullets being rained by terrorists. The world must know that our security forces have a humane outlook: they refrain from attacking religious places of worship, where terrorists hide, and on the other hand they ensure that innocents must not die in the crossfire.
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How rising negligence in just one month has caused massive spread of COVID pandemic
In his address to the nation on Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, he was worried over rising negligence by people since the day Unlock-1 phase was introduced. This has been borne out by figures. In just one month (June) alone, India recorded 4 lakh new COVID-19 cases and nearly 12,000 deaths, whereas in May, the number of new cases was just over 1.5 lakh and there were 4,267 deaths.
The pandemic has taken a firm grip over our metros and big states and is showing no signs of abating. The daily average addition of new cases has crossed 18,000, and the total number of Corona cases in India, which is presently at 5.67 lakhs, is sure to cross the six lakh mark in a few days. Surely, a dismal picture. However, the figures also show that 3.35 lakh people have recovered so far and the death toll is at 16,893.
It was in this context that the Prime Minister said that many people have started becoming negligent towards precautions for COVID-19. He appealed to citizens not to be careless, follow the mantra of ‘do gaz ki doori’ (social distancing), always wear masks, or gamcha or face cover, and wash hands for 20 seconds.
Modi said, the law for use of masks and norms of social distancing must apply equally to a gram pradhan or the prime minister. He cautioned that during the present rainy monsoon season, cases of common cold, cough and flu increase and this could bring about a further spike in the number of COVID cases.
Modi announced extension of free ration to 80 crore poor people till November this year. Under the Pradhan Mantri Gareeb Kalyan Anna Yojana, five kg of foodgrains and one kg of pulses will be given free to beneficiaries for another five months. This will cost around Rs 90,000 crore taking the overall cost to Rs 1.5 lakh crore.
“Today, if the government is able to provide free ration to the needy and poor, the credit for it goes to two categories. One, hard working farmers of our country, and Two, honest taxpayers of our country”, Modi said.
Modi’s announcement is, no doubt, a welcome step for millions of poor Indians. He has also promised to introduce ‘One Nation, One Ration Card’ which will benefit millions of migrant workers.
Feeding 80 crore poor Indians free for eight months is not an easy task. Just add up the populations of three countries like the USA, and you will reach the figure of 80 crore. Modi government has been and will be feeding these 80 crore people for eight months.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi surely deserves accolades for this. He understands the problems of poor people and migrant workers, who move to other states in search of job. Most of the political parties have welcomed Modi’s announcement, but it is also time for the common citizens to be careful so that pandemic is brought under control.
There has been a steep rise in the number of new COVID cases during the Unlock period and the tendency to be negligent must be curtailed. If people fail to take precautions, the pandemic is sure to spread rapidly and engulf the whole country.
My appeal to all: Do not be scared, but the danger is not over. Step out of your homes only when it is required. Practise utmost precautions, like wearing of masks, maintain distance, wear gloves, if possible, and wash your hand with soap several times a day when you return from outside. Be very, very careful, because the Chinese virus is lurking everywhere.
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