Even as Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah and the entire galaxy of top BJP leaders are busy campaigning for the assembly polls in Haryana and Maharashtra, the main opposition party Congress has cut a sorry figure.
Congress President Sonia Gandhi did not address a single election rally in either of the states. One can understand that her health does not permit her to go out on campaign, but what about her daughter Priyanka Vadra and son Rahul Gandhi?
Priyanka Vadra is confined to her home state of Uttar Pradesh and she did not address a single election rally in either Haryana or Maharashtra.
The party’s star campaigner Rahul Gandhi, after spending private time in a Southeast Asian country, returned home and spent barely two days addressing election meetings. At his meetings, Rahul delivered speeches that were given almost six months back, raising old and dead issues like Rafale deal. He did not address a single election rally during the last two days.
Naturally, Congress workers are feeling demoralized, with party leaders either jumping ship or divided into camps in both states. A sorry state of affairs in the 134-year-old party that ruled India for several decades.
On the other hand, leaders like Asaduddin Owaisi with limited reach are addressing more rallies with focus on pockets where they have a strong influence. Leaders like Owaisi can harm the fortunes of NCP and Congress in a large number of constituencies in Maharashtra.
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