For the first time, a senior member of All India Muslim Personal Law Board Maulana Syed Salman Nadvi has supported the construction of Ram Janmabhoomi temple at the disputed site in Ayodhya. He has also said that the mosque can be built on an alternative land near the disputed site. Maulana Nadvi alongwith some other ulema had been in talks with spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar to break the logjam on Ayodhya dispute.
In reality, the breakthrough was not achieved in a single day. Sri Sri toiled hard in bringing the Muslim scholars together to resolve this vexed issue. Sri Sri first spoke to more than 100 Muslim ulema and maulanas in Lucknow via video conferencing on January 19. He persuaded them to accept building of the temple on the disputed site and a mosque elsewhere. He then invited nearly 60 prominent Muslim leaders of South India to his Bengaluru ashram and persuaded them.
On February 3, Maulana Salman Nadvi called more than 100 Muslim scholars to Lucknow and Sri Sri spoke to them via Skype. On February 8, the Muslim ulema approved Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s formula to break the deadlock. There are several hurdles ahead. One one side is the All India Muslim Personal Law Board and on the other side is Vishwa Hindu Parishad, and both the organisations need to agree.
One should appreciate Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s efforts to find a breakthrough despite several difficulties. Most of the leaders were of the view that there could be no way out, and the Muslim Personal Law Board went to the extent of questioning Sri Sri’s credentials as a mediator. Undeterred, Sri Sri continued with his efforts and a formula is being thrashed out to address the concerns of both sides.
It is unfortunate that the All India Muslim Personal Law Board has rejected the formula. However, there is still time to reconsider and if a breakthrough emerges which respects both the faith of Hindus and the sentiments of Muslims, it will be good for the nation as a whole.
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