On Monday, as Rahul Gandhi went to file his nomination for the post of Congress president in Delhi, one party leader Mani Shanker Aiyar told media outside the Congress office that dynasty succession has been the norm during Mughal period too, like Jehangir followed Akbar, Shahjehan followed Jehangir and Aurangzeb followed Shahjehan. More than a thousand kilometres away, Prime Minister Narendra Modi mentioned this in an election rally in Gujarat and said, if Congress believes in ‘Aurangzeb raaj’, so be it.
I have two observations to make. One, whatever opinion Congress leaders may voice in public, they know in their heart of hearts that in order to keep the party united, the post of president should be kept with the Nehru-Gandhi family, since there is no way out. Two, which is more interesting: Mani Shanker Aiyar has this knack of making a funny remark at the wrong time. He sought to compare Rahul’s ascension with Aurangzeb. Before the 2014 Lok Sabha polls, he had remarked during an AICC session, that Modi would lose and he should better put up a tea stall at the next AICC session. The Congress is yet to recover from that fatal ‘chaiwala’ remark about Modi, who went to town over this. After taking over as the new Congress president, Rahul Gandhi must first take care of his leaders who excel in putting their foot inside the mouth.
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