In her explosive interview on my show Aap Ki Adalat (telecast Saturday 10 pm), film actress Kangana Ranaut has hit out at Bollywood biggies in a manner which normally film stars avoid. You will be surprised to know that Kangana spoke for nearly 40 minutes about Hrithik Roshan and disclosed several details, hitherto not known. To be fair, if Hrithik desires to reply to Kangana’s questions, he should also appear in Aap Ki Adalat to put the record straight. If he thinks he has been fair, he should come forward and reply to Kangana’s charges. This is what honesty demands.
Kangana has also hit out at Bollywood heavyweight Karan Johar in my show. Karan took jibes at Kangana several times on television, through social media, and on stage shows. At times, he made fun of her English diction, her rise from an obscure village in Himachal Pradesh to the tinsel world of Bollywood. I would also publicly request Karan Johar to appear in my show Aap Ki Adalat and reply to Kangana’s charges if he has the courage to do so. Is it Kangana’s fault that she has no godfather in the film industry? Is it her fault that she does not hail from a ‘big’ family? Is it her fault that she comes from a small village? Is it her fault that she did not study in a reputed English medium public school? Kangana replied to all these questions by winning laurels from the public for her superb acting in superhit films like ‘Queen’ ‘Tanu Weds Manu’. Kangana proved to the world that she could become a star on her own by making her films click at the box office.
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